Chakra Oil Blends 10ml
Chakra Oil Blends 10ml
Chakras are the centers in our bodies in which energy flows through. They influence the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual states of being.
Keep your Chakras flowing freely and avoid chakra blockages with the help of powerful stones and the natural healing properties of pure essential oils. This chakra oil set comes complete with 7 essential oil blends infused with stones that work together to support each chakra in a beautiful and positive way.
Root: Coral + Frankincense + Vetiver + Pachouli
Sacral: Orange Aventurine + Patchouli + Cypress + Clary Sage
Solar Plexus: Citrine + Lemon + Grapefruit + Peppermint
Heart: Green Aventurine + Palamarosa + Lavender + Ylang Ylang + Gerainium
Throat: Magnesite + Cypress + Eucalyptus + Lavender + Peppermint
Third Eye: Lapis + Frankincense + Lavender + Patchouli + Vetiver
Crown: Amethyst + Frankincense + Lavender + Cedarwood
*Each blend is made with fractionated coconut oil base.
* This information is not intended as personal advice and does not replace a medical consultation. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Results are the sole responsibility of the user.